MainAnimal breedingThe Activity of the Limited Liability Company "Algobiotehnologia" in the field of producing forages for animals and birds

The Activity of the Limited Liability Company "Algobiotehnologia" in the field of producing forages for animals and birds

The Russian Federation has set a course for rapid development of cattle breeding. It is not always possible to speed up the development of cattle breeding with the help of traditional methods. It is well known that 70-80% of all expenses are forage expenses. There is no way to succeed in cattle breeding without balanced forages and optimal forage reserve. For the last 10 years premixes, vitamins, bio-additives along with algae has been included to feed allowance of animals. Chlorella is one of the representatives of green microscopical algae. The culture Chlorella vulgaris BIN is used for producing the suspension of chlorella. The suspension of chlorella draws the attention of cattle breeders because it grows during the whole year. Its productivity does not depend on the seasons of the year. It is used for all kinds of agricultural animals including some insects like bees and silkworms and it is also used in pond pisciculture and algolizatsiya of water reservoirs. 

The expediency of the chlorella suspension usage consists in the fact that it contributes to better absorbency of forages that results in weight increments, an increase in dairy productivity. An egg producing ability increases rapidly as well as weight increments of broilers. 

One more advantage of the chlorella suspension usage consists in the fact that it is used only one time during the whole life of an animal, during the certain time, set for every species and age group of animals. 

It must be pointed out the chlorella suspension usage contributes to livestock safety, which outnumbers all existed standards. The chlorella suspension is given to drink to a health animal as a preventive means and to an ill animal as a medical means. 

High biological activity of chlorella suspension lets us use this method of group healing among incurable animals. 

Our company with the help of the All-Russian Research Institute of Compound Feed Industry have worked out the technical conditions (ÒÓ) and performed successful testing concerning the leading of the chlorella suspension into mixed fodders. 

There is no branch of cattle breeding where the chlorella usage has not a wholesome influence. That is why the chlorella usage can become one of the top-priority trends in modern development of cattle breeding. 

A group of scientists, engineers and veterinarians of our company under the direction of outstanding men of science have been working on the creation of biotechnology of bioclean product production for improving an immune status of an organism on the basis of the above mentioned culture. 

We have been carrying out tests on different kinds of animals from silkworms to cattle for 4 years that has resulted in finding out the norms, terms and the effectiveness of our product. In 2005 we registered the technical conditions for the production of the forage ‘Chlorella suspension’ that let us conduct experiments on animals. Different kinds of agricultural animals took part in these experiments. They took our product daily that led to the decrease in loss and conversion of the forage and to the increase in average daily weight increments along with the denial of using antibiotics. 

The experiments conducted by the All-Russian Research Institute of Compound Feed Industry have shown that the mixed fodder with the addition of our product during feeding of animals has a lot of advantages. Nowadays we have the standards base, norms and the technology of addition along with practical recommendations for the chlorella suspension usage in mixed fodders for different agricultural animals.
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